Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the main cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. In addition, CBD oil benefits the relief of a broad array of symptoms and promotes overall health and wellbeing. The best CBD oil, as a result, contains other compounds from the cannabis plant that support health and help CBD work better. CBD oil often comes from hemp (see CBD from hemp vs. marijuana), which is a non-psychoactive strain of Cannabis sativa.
CBD oil effects may alleviate symptoms like anxiety, psychosis, inflammation, and nausea. Conditions like psychiatric disorders and dementia have shown CBD benefits at high dosage levels. Diabetes and nausea also have shown benefits. Low dosages have CBD benefits that promote and maintain health. This can include antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory activity, and neuroprotection.
Joe Rogan on Benefits of CBD (4:46)
Top 5 CBD Oil Benefits
1. CBD Oil for Anxiety
CBD is known to have anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effects in humans and animals. Many people who believe in taking CBD for themselves have also decided to buy CBD for pets like their dog or cat. Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder is often poorly controlled with currently available drugs and has low remission rates. Among patients who find some degree of symptom remission, residual symptoms are often still present.
Human studies of 300mg and 600mg CBD powder dissolved in corn oil (ingested) have shown effectiveness in relieving social anxiety symptoms. In this study, the CBD oil effects were acute- a single dose had a quick impact. Many are making CBD part of their daily regimen for anxiety symptom relief.
Most recently, a 2019 study of CBD oil for anxiety found that most anxiety sufferers can feel symptom relief with a daily CBD dosage of 25mg to 175mg depending on symptom severity.
How CBD Oil for Anxiety Works
- Cannabidiol exerts fast and maintained antidepressant-like actions
- Cannabidiol enhances 5-HT and glutamate release in the prefrontal cortex
- 5-HT1A receptor mediates cannabidiol-induced antidepressant-like effects
- 5-HT1A receptor mediates serotonin and glutamate release induced by CBD
- Significantly increases serotonin and glutamate levels
- Can help remove conditioned memories that trigger anxiety symptoms
- Can help patients change the context of memories that lead to symptoms
2. CBD Oil for Pain
Researchers have observed that CBD oil for pain has a potency equivalent to capsaicin, and acting through the same physiological factors. One significant way CBD benefits pain is by working as a pain reducer. It does this by inhibiting the reuptake and hydrolysis of the compound anandamide.
A person may feel various types of pain, which is due to pain having multiple complex biological pathways. In addition to blocking the pain from anandamide pathways, CBD oil effects other compounds that reduce inflammation-based pain.
3. CBD Oil for Inflammation
Inflammation contributes to the development and progression of many diseases and conditions. Numerous cannabis plant compounds contribute to its potent anti-inflammatory abilities.
THC and CBD both have strong anti-inflammatory properties, but other cannabinoids like CBC, CBG, and THCV, and terpenes like alpha-pinene, beta-myrcene, and beta-caryophyllene can exert anti-inflammatory action as well.
Cannabinoids appear to act through prostaglandin receptors (PGE1 and/or PGE2) to have an anti-inflammatory effect. The cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 are also involved in reducing inflammation.
How CBD for Inflammation Works
- Reduces immune response by regulating the types of cells that respond to injury
- Reduces inflammation response through cytokine and growth factor regulation
- Decreases inflammatory markers PGE2, TNF-a and IL-1b
- Reduces beta-amyloid-induced neuroinflammation
- Reduced effects of autoimmune encephalomyelitis
- Reduces inflammation in acute lung injury (ALI)
- Prevents and reduces experimental colitis
Full-spectrum CBD oil may be more beneficial for pain and inflammation. These benefits are because the additional plant compounds found in full-spectrum oils can activate more pain and inflammation-fighting pathways in the body.
4.CBD for Brain Health
CBD has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties in the immune system. These properties also relate to CBD’s neuroprotective abilities. Through the endocannabinoid system, CBD can exert a neuroprotective effect and promote overall well being.
…CBD may be considered a potentially useful therapeutic agent for the treatment of a number of neurological disorders.
Hemp-based CBD oil effects are more effective at low doses than vitamin C and E as a neuroprotective antioxidant. You may be wondering, how does CBD affect the brain exactly? CBD effects enhance regulation of the GABA neurotransmitter that plays a role in many pathologies.
The antioxidant action of cannabinoids and terpenes come from regulating glutamate neurotransmitters. These transmitters, along with reactive oxygen molecules, are known to damage cells. Some research indicates that this activity may help support recovery from ischemic stroke in the brain.
5. CBD Skin Benefits
The endocannabinoid receptors in the skin are thought to regulate cutaneous cell growth and differentiation. CBD may act through the endocannabinoid receptors in the skin to target multiple symptoms of acne. These systems include sebum overproduction, sebum-producing cells, and inflammation.
Topical preparations of hemp seed oil can absorb damaging UVC and UVB light and are thought to have a light-shielding power about equal to an SPF 30 sunscreen.
CBD Benefits History
William O’Shaughnessy introduced cannabis to Western medicine in 1838. He found CBD oil effects benefited epilepsy, rheumatic pain and could alleviate potentially fatal tetanus infections.
In the east, such as in dynastic China and India, CBD hemp extracts have been widely used throughout history. As news of CBD oil effects spread, countries in Europe noticed CBD benefits. Symptoms like migraine and neuropathic pain observed the highest CBD benefits.
…there is evidence of medical use in Europe from the 13th century, it became more popularized in the early 19th-century when cannabis was noted to have anticonvulsive, analgesic, anti-anxiety, and antiemetic properties. Cannabis became widely used for the treatment of cramps, asthma, and dysmenorrhea, for which it was prescribed to Queen Victoria.
Like many medicines of the time, quality control issues became problematic for hemp extracts. Political barriers have also arisen over the years. Currently, hemp and other types of cannabis are experiencing a grand revival as they gain a reputation as “the aspirin of the 21st century.”
Cannabis has rightly earned that ambitious moniker from its staggering number of plant compounds. The top two cannabinoids (THC and CBD) have taken the center stage. However, researchers have also given accolades to many other cannabinoids, terpenes, and fatty acids that work together to produce remarkable symptom relief.
Future of CBD
In 2018, researchers surveyed 2032 patients for 21 different illnesses by treating them with cannabis. The survey looked at what kind of cannabis products and for which conditions. Here were the top ten conditions based on that survey:
Top Ten Conditions for Cannabis Treatment
- Chronic Pain
- Mental Health Conditions
- Insomnia and Sleep Disorders
- Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Conditions
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Headaches
- Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Other Conditions (not on the survey)
- Cancer or Leukemia
The study also indicated several other conditions, including Crohn’s Disease, brain injury, epilepsy and seizure disorders, eating disorders, diabetes, movement disorders, AIDS/HIV, hepatitis, glaucoma, osteoporosis, and skin conditions.
Each person surveyed preferred different products. While some participants found relief using high-THC medical marijuana, others found that CBD benefited their conditions better. This survey demonstrates different cannabis products and how long CBD works compared to THC for different people. The study also showed that both medical marijuana and CBD products might help numerous symptoms and conditions.
What is CBD Good For?
As scientists learn more about how CBD oil affects the body, they’re also continuing to discover the many benefits of CBD. From historical documents to laboratory research, there have been observations of CBD benefits. These benefits include reduced inflammation, anxiety symptoms, nausea, pain, and seizures.
Studies have shown CBD oil effects like neuroprotective and antioxidant activities. These, along with CBD benefits for skin and gastrointestinal issues, show CBD effects are broad. Most results are attributed to the interaction of cannabinoids within the human endocannabinoid system.
Neurotransmitter Function
CBD and other cannabinoids can influence some of the ways that neurotransmitters work. Some amino acids, like glutamate, influence the pathologies of epilepsy and nerve-cell death in stroke. Regulation of inhibitory amino acids, like GABA and glycine, by CBD, can help with symptoms of spinal cord motor disorders, epilepsy, anxiety, and startle syndromes.
Monoamines are another type of neurotransmitter regulated by the endocannabinoid system. Some major monoamines include:
- Noradrenaline for autonomic homeostasis, hormones, depression;
- Serotonin for depression, anxiety, migraine; and
- Dopamine for Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, and vomiting.
Pituitary hormones under endocannabinoid control can regulate symptoms of drug addiction. Acetylcholine plays a role in neuromuscular disorders, autonomic homeostasis, dementia, parkinsonism, epilepsy, and the sleep-wake cycle. Neuropeptides regulation of pain, movement, neural development, and anxiety are also influenced by the endocannabinoid system.
All of these neurotransmitter messengers can be regulated, however, the endocannabinoid system will respond to supplements like CBD oil. Here is a brief overview of the observations of cannabinoids and CBD oil effects in research:
CBD Benefits Chart

Cannabinoid | Effects (Positive and Negative) |
THC | Psychotropic, Short-term memory problems, Distortion of Perception of Time, Sedation, Tachycardia, Appetite Alteration, Metabolic/Diabetes |
CBD | Antipsychotic, Bradycardia, Hypertension |
Both CBD and THC | Anti-inflammatory, Immunomodulatory, Antiemetic, Glioma (Apoptosis) |
Both with more activity from CBD | Anticonvulsant, Anxiolytic (Anti-anxiety), Neuroprotective Antioxidant, Lung Cancer |
Both with more activity from THC | Muscle Relaxant, GI Motility (Slowed), Intraocular Pressure (Reduced) |
Medical Benefits of CBD Oil
Cannabis has been used medicinally through history, starting in the ancient worlds of China, Egypt, India, and Greece. Cannabis use came to South America in 1545, and to North America in 1606.
Today, cannabis extracts are reasserting their medicinal reputation and the medicinal properties of cannabis primarily come from the plant’s cannabinoid compounds. Along with THC, CBD is among the most medically beneficial cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant and unlike THC, CBD does not produce psychoactive effects.
Observations of a variety of CBD benefits for symptoms have come to light as a result of research. These include benefits for chronic pain, anxiety, and neuralgia. Additionally, patients with diseases like multiple sclerosis (MS), cancer, and AIDS have found symptom relief from medical marijuana and CBD products.
CBD’s antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective properties have attributed to CBD oil’s benefits to support overall health. If you are looking to buy CBD oil, then a variety of products like a CBD oil tincture and CBD gummy supplements are available online and can be shipped to your doorstep.
How to Take CBD
CBD products come in vapes, oil tinctures, edibles, creams, and capsules. Oil dosages will vary depending on a person’s symptoms and body chemistry, so products are available in many different concentrations. CBD vapes and CBD oil tinctures can deliver more CBD that acts faster than edible products.
There is no universal dosing recommendation for CBD extracts because they are so diverse and because CBD hemp oils available without prescription are not a drug. There are some basic guidelines people can follow to help them find the right CBD oil dosage as a result.
CBD Oil Dosage Guidelines
- Begin with a low dose like 25mg and increase gradually
- Do not take more once you’ve felt symptom relief
- If side effects occur, take less CBD oil
- Consult a physician for a proper medical opinion
Types of Cannabis Extracts
Talking about cannabis as a medicine can be confusing to people. Most are confused over the difference between CBD vs THC. Marijuana extracts contain psychoactive levels of THC, whereas hemp extracts contain low to zero THC and have high levels of CBD. Many conditions do benefit from extracts with significant THC levels, but often relief can be found from a CBD only hemp extract.
In states with recreational marijuana laws, anyone can buy extracts with THC and CBD. In medical marijuana states, a medical marijuana card and prescription are needed to purchase them. At the time of this writing, you can buy CBD oil (hemp-derived) in any state without a prescription. Ease of access is one major pro for hemp oils.
Another reason to try CBD hemp oil before products with THC is that most cannabis extract associated side effects have been attributed to THC. These can include drowsiness, dizziness, stomach upset, anxiety, and paranoia. CBD side effects are uncommon, with an upset stomach being the most common.
The Endocannabinoid System
The endocannabinoid system plays many roles in the human body. The most prominent role is by acting on the nervous system to produce or inhibit chemical signals that relay messages to the body. It plays a regulatory role in the nervous system, circulatory system, metabolism, reproductive system, and the immune system.
Naturally, endocannabinoids interact with receptors like CB1 and CB2 to affect this system. Cannabinoids give effects as they can mimic these natural molecules.
THC can act directly on CB1 and to a lesser extent on CB2. CBD does not have strong interactions with CB1 and CB2. It largely influences the system through indirect pathways. Through these pathways, THC and CBD can have on-demand effects on body functions like cognition, memory, movement, and pain perception.
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