Hey! Great to See You Here!
We are not high. I mean, No High… yeah, we are NO HIGH! We started out our adventure on January 4th, 2017 after realizing the way people looked at CBD. Why are people afraid of taking CBD? Why do people shy away from it as if they’re being judged? We had a closer look at the industry, and what we found baffled us.
WEED brands were pushing CBD products yet, the two are materially different – both physiologically, and chemically. These brands were green and in brown bottles, reminiscent of the roots of growing a plant meant to alter your mind and get you high. We (No High) on the other hand found our “roots” studying chemistry, science, biology, and volunteering. We bring a unique perspective to the industry others can’t just copy by slapping their label on someone else’s brown-colored bottle.
We then decided we need to test the market ourselves, and we surveyed people one-by-one. We’d mix a few bottles of pure CBD isolate up and, at random, ask people to try it.
The results we received interested us. People suffering from ailments like pain, arthritis, PTSD, and anxiety were willing to try CBD out. In fact, most admitted to having already resorted to smoking marijuana for relief. When we told them that our product could provide the same relief as marijuana, but without the high, their eyes lit up with joy. Many were still asking themselves “What is CBD oil?” at the time.
It was at that point that we knew we had something unique, a rare flower if you will. People are out there suffering; people who can’t afford prescription drugs because they either don’t have insurance or the cash to afford it. There are countless others who don’t like taking prescription drugs, period.
Many asked if there would be any CBD drug interactions if they took both at the same time. What we didn’t expect to find out was that our CBD oil worked as a replacement for symptom relief to the very prescriptions they were complaining about.
A Humble Beginning
We’d now identified a problem that needed solving, and many had told us that we’d actually already solved it. However, we aren’t the type to jump to conclusions, and we certainly didn’t have the capital available at hand to afford us further research and development. Hence, we consulted for CBD companies who shared our passion.
We worked hard at bringing these companies up. We gave away our secrets in exchange for knowing that they would benefit the greater good. However, in the end, the consulting relationships with these CBD companies didn’t pan out, so we decided to leave them and joined forces as a team. All we needed was an investor.
Unfortunately, an investor never came. While we sat around a campfire one breezy night, we came to a conclusion. We NEEDED to find a way to share our gift with the world. So we scratched our heads and tried to find ways to fund this venture. A business like this would need a website, an office, machinery, computers, lawyers, insurance and more.
The decision was made that we would bootstrap and forge forward by spending as many hours as possible working toward building something incredible from home, remotely, rather than find an investor to finance our vision.
Here We Are
Now we find ourselves here, and by we, we mean you and us both. You’ve arrived on our website seeking our CBD oil for sale not by chance, but by fate. It’s not been over one year since we were sitting at that campfire, and I hope that you enjoy what you see.
We’ve watched the CBD industry “grow” and have witnessed countless other companies popping up and flopping. It seems these days that everyone and their cousin “has a CBD business,” but those who do/did weren’t taking into consideration that not all CBD is treated equal (see our article about the difference between CBD oil types).
All of our CBD products are sourced in the United States of America and are hemp-derived, not marijuana-derived. When you think of our brand “No High” that is exactly what you’re getting. Under federal law for CBD, the cannabis plant is considered to be “hemp” when it contains 0.3% or less Δ9 THC by dry weight analysis. Since Δ9 THC is responsible for the “high” feeling of marijuana, it’s absence from hemp leaves only the plant’s benefits behind.
While we may be a bit leaner than bigger companies, we’re certainly also more adaptive. In addition to that, we’re a strong team that works well together and compliment each other’s weaknesses. Rather than adding dead-weight, we automate. Heavy lifting becomes a lot lighter when you’re smart about it.
You could almost call us “family-owned” but we’re actually friend-owned, as we’d decided to do this together or not at all. We hope you can appreciate that about us!
Where We’re Going
We’re committed to bringing you information about CBD that you can use to make your own decision on whether it’s for you or not. For a surprising many, it is. However, that doesn’t mean that includes you. Our focus or rather, our unique selling point, is that we take CBD seriously.
You won’t find any short articles with “thin” content on our website. Rather, we believe in providing you with as much possible about each topic we choose to write about. We are committed to that goal to the degree that even this “About Us” page is exhaustive in nature (you should see our CBD help page!)
Top Quality CBD at Great Prices
The results of our years of experience and research have yielded incredible results, and we’re eager to share them with you.
- We believe in providing these products to you, our customers, at affordable prices.
- We believe that life-changing products should be spread far and wide.
- We believe the only way to do that is to make them financially attainable to you.
We pass on savings to you by being direct to the source in a unique way. While we aren’t a family full of farmers tilling soil and weeds, we’re all (now 7 people!) working remote, and a couple of us live on farms while the others write, attend trade shows, and lead the pack to success. There truly is a perfect role for everyone on our team.
That said, our prices are best considered when comparing the price of our products against our competitors in an analysis of price per mg of CBD. While we may not be the cheapest, we do pride ourselves on being the best. Here is a CBD price comparison chart for you to review:

Not All CBD Is Created Equal
So next time you see a brown (or even green) bottle on the store shelf, think to yourself where it came from and how much commitment it took to get it there. Is it from where it says it’s from, or could it be sourced from some low-quality place? Furthermore, look at the price. If it’s too cheap, it’s a red flag that there may be something wrong (such as not having as much CBD as the label states). Much of the eBay CBD and Amazon CBD doesn’t even contain any cannabidiol, and tests by journalists have proved fraud is rampant.
We’ve all had experiences in life that have helped mold who we are and the team at No High has certainly had its share. From family sent to war, friends with PTSD, and many loved ones losing their fight against cancer, we’re dedicated to helping wherever we can.
Everyone on our team has volunteered at some point in their lives, so it was only natural that when we came together as one that we volunteer and give to charity as well. We donate a portion of our proceeds to:
- Habitat for Humanity
- American Cancer Society
In addition to the above charities, we also realize that there are needs on a micro-level and are empathetical to extenuating situations where the need to buy CBD oil exists, but for one reason or another, it cannot be obtained. For those in need, we have an assistance program with special discounts on high potency CBD.
We’re proud of the positive reviews we’ve received for our products! Helping people is what continually drives us to be the best CBD oil store online, and your feedback lets us know how we’re doing. If you’re considering a purchase, you may see our product reviews on each product’s page. If you’ve already made a purchase, we would love if you would share your experience with others by leaving a review on the product(s) you’ve purchased.
Press Mentions
The press is talking about CBD daily, and we expect them to be talking about us soon as well. At the time this was written we’ve freshly launched the website. We’ll be filling this area with press mentions we’ve received in the near future.
Testimonials are a great way to help others make their final decision on which store is the best to buy CBD oil from. If you had a great experience with us, we encourage you to create an honest testimonial and put it online. Once you have, please email us the link to where you put it so we can check it out too. We might just post it up on our website!
Behind the Scenes
Want a peek into what goes on behind the scenes at No High? Well, come on in!

Speaking & Awards
You may find us speaking at conferences and participating in trade shows from time to time. If you’re interested in meeting us in person or hearing us speak, feel free to send us an email and we’ll let you know of any upcoming conferences that we’re speaking at. Being based in Las Vegas has its benefits too, as we are a conference hub and our team gets plenty of opportunities to participate.
We’d love to see you at MJBizCon, Natural Products Expo, NoCo, HIA, and VapeExpo!
Instagram Galleries of Happy Customers
Want a gram of No High CBD products? Instagram that is… Send your No High pics on over! We love seeing our products in the wild. It gives us that fuzzy warm feeling inside and also lets us know how our products are being used. Heck, we might even decide to feature your pics on our website!
Social Media
Speaking of the gram, follow us on the No High Instagram. We’re also active on other social media platforms as well. You can look for the No High CBD Twitter account, No High CBD Facebook page, our CBD Chat Group (where people are constantly chatting about CBD online), the No High CBD Pinterest account (where you can easily share our images), the No High CBD Tumblr (where you can reblog anything we’ve posted), No High CBD Reddit (where we answer all types of CBD oil questions for people), and the No High CBD SnapChat (where you can see what we’ve been up to that day). Those with business interests, such as wanting to buy bulk CBD oil or finished products, may connect with us at the No High LinkedIn page.
Lastly, for those of you who just can’t get enough content, we answer CBD oil questions on our Medium account. We post long-form opinion pieces about cannabidiol. This is an excellent resource for those looking to get a professional opinion on where the CBD industry is heading.
Signing Off
So to end our story from earlier, we’re really trying hard not to be “just another CBD company.” Rather, we’re aiming to be that rare flower in the forest that you stop for as you’re walking. We do hope, now that you’ve found us, that you stop for a moment, take a good smell, and “pick” us over the rest.
Always a pleasure,
The Founders and Team at No High CBD
What to Do Next
- Follow our social media accounts
- Opt-in to our CBD oil newsletter
- Shop for CBD in our store
- See if we’re hiring
- Read our CBD oil blog
- Send us a nice message